Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dating with Kids (including teens) in Tow

What do you do when you both have teens and younger children as well when you want to date? You find activities that satisfy everyone. One of the safest and surest bets for everyone being happy was at my parents home. We could hang out and watch movies on their big tv, play air hockey and ping pong, play games on my Wii system, and play more games on my two computers. It was comfortable in the basement of my parents home where I lived, and the kids liked playing down there as well.
On one of the first family group dates we did together, David and I had been upstairs where it was quieter. Pretty soon we wondered why it was so quite downstairs, so we went down and found all five kids watching Davey's itouch. It was a memorable moment!

Another time, Tyler and Davey were playing X-box in David's basement together.

One of our group dates was to the Black Island Pumpkin Farm and Corn Maze. The kids had a great time here, and I'm sure it will be a family tradition to go there. The picture above is of Hunter and Dallin.

One of the slides at the corn maze.

The kids playing tic-tac-toe at David's parent's house.

Davey, Tyler and Sydney using one of my computers in my parent's basement.

David playing against Dallin

Hunter cuddling up for a movie during a late night at my parent's house.

This picture is of one of the first times I met and played with David AND his boys. It was a Sunday and I had gone to church with them. My kids were with their dad that weekend. David always has his boys back by Sunday morning to take them to church with him. My kids go to church with their dad when they are with him.

 Sydney, Tyler and Davey heading out to tackle the corn maze together.

Celebrating Tyler's fourteenth birthday with David and Davey.

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into what it was like dating with kids in tow! We have other pictures somewhere of when we went to the hot springs, and another time we took the kids to the local aquatic center. We had a great time together and for the most part everyone got along- miraculously!

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